Saturday, September 30, 2006

Video blog of camp king benjamin

You can follow this link or double click the video screen below:

Camp King Benjamin!

Mosiah 2:5-6:

"And it came to pass that when they came up to the temple, they pitched their tents round about, every man according to his family, . . . And they pitched their tents round about the temple, every many having his tent with the door thereof towards the temple, that thereby they might remain in their tents and hear the words which king Benjamin should speak unto them . . . "

General conference is one of my favorite weekends of the year! Our little Camp King Benjamin was put into action yesterday. It was a year ago that we did this for the first time--Campbell is a little older now and is starting to understand the importance of this weekend.

We set up camp in our back yard, and we saw a coyote, while doing it. It dropped into the high 50's/low 60's last night so it was a perfect cool temperature. We woke up to oatmeal, hot cocoa, and cinnamon toast to warm up our cold bodies. Now we are on the countdown. 2 hours and 45 minutes until we get to bask in the spirit of our latterday prophets~! I am excited (can you tell?)

Anyways, here are some of our pictures! I hope you guys all enjoy this special conference weekend!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Relief Society Secretary

I got a calling today to serve as our ward's relief society secretary --I guess it is time to learn everyone's names. This picture just has the outgoing and the incoming relief society presidencies in the Lecanto ward.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Annastyn and Shands

Thanks for your prayers! Annastyn's appointment at Shands was a great success. They did the Echo and the EKG to make sure that her little murmur wasn't a hole in the heart--and everything was normal. She should outgrow the murmur with time. We are so thankful for the tender mercies.

Other news:
We fired our builder, Brittan is going to take charge of the building process! Let the education process begin! It's going to be a difficult and challenging 12 months, but we are excited.

Brian is doing okay, there is still no diagnosis--but he is working on stress management techniques. (For example--we did Yoga as a family last monday night for FHE). It was super cute to see Annastyn on her back with her feet up in the air!!! Should of had a camera.

September has flown by! I can't believe General conference is next weekend--we have planned another "King Benjamin" campout experience--this time there will NOT be any surprise attacks from the sprinklers.

Cathie has given me some of the names

We will work on getting information filled in as I find it. This next link is the link for Scott's side--and it takes us back to Brian's great grandparents:

Hopefully these links work. You can go to my website and see all the family work--but for the most part it is still the Williams side and not much on the Mitchell/Campbell side. But I am trying!

love you guys!


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Today is the day

We are glad Piper had a good time even though she didn't feel well! She was a trooper! It's tough to be away from home when you are not feeling well!

Today is the day for Little Annastyn. We are headed to Shands Hospital in Gainesville today to see what's up with the heart murmur that the peditrician found. Brian and my dad gave her a blessing last night for extra strength! My hope and prayer is that the cardiologist will say that (1) there is no murmur!

Please keep her in your morning/afternoon (and any other time you feel like praying) prayers!


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Campbell and Piper in Campbell's powerwheel

Double click on the play OR go to to see the video!

Dad having fun on a real mower!

some pictures from our fun day in Inverness