Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Preschool and Anniversaries!

Today is Campbell's first day of preschool. She has 6 kids in her class and she goes from 12:30-3:30 every day. It's nice not to have her at school at the crack of dawn! She was so excited and it is fun to start the tradition that I had growing up implemented into our family--(father's blessings the night before school starts). Brian gave Campbell a very special blessing last night, and I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband.

I can go off a little bit today on this--because it is our 8th anniversary! Brian is such a wonderful person, and I love him soooo much. He respects our temple covenants, he respects his priesthood, he respects me, and he respects our children. It's great to see him spiritually working with the youth and it is great to see him developing professionally too! I admire his commitment to the gospel and his willingness to follow the commandments. I appreciate his humility in our daily lives and for his tenderness in his personal relationships! It is rare (up here) to find someone that earned the duty to God award, that earned the eagle scout designation, that served a mission, and that went to seminary for all 4 years! I appreciate and am grateful to Brian's parents for the influence that they had on Brian to help him achieve these ever important tasks! I know that their influence has helped make my family better because it instilled in Brian such a wonderful commitment to achieve righteous goals.

I am thankful that as a family we can make and achieve righteous goals together. I appreciate the opportunity to watch as the testimonies of my daughter begin to take root in their hearts. I am thankful for the Lord's bounty and a testimony that the Lord will bless me as I choose to be obedient to his commandments.

I am thankful for the restored gospel. I am thankful for a living prophet. I am thankful for answers to prayers. I am thankful for the partnership that I have with Brian. I am thankful for the generations of people that have gone before us and that have blessed me by the decisions that they made while on earth. I am thankful for my testimony of eternal truths. I am thankful for those days, like today, where my heart is full of gratitude! I am thankful for the choice that I made 8 years ago to enter into the Holy temple and to make sacred covenants with God and with Brian. I am thankful for the strength that those covenants give me on a daily basis. I am so blessed to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

So many blessings have stemmed from my decision to marry Brian, and it is today, the 8th day of the eighth month, that I would like to celebrate those blessings!

And now, we are back to where I started .. . It's time to go pick up Campbell from preschool! She wants to give Piper a call tonight and exchange stories! We will see how that goes! Cousins on the telephone always leads to trouble :)

Thanks again mom and dad for all the wonderful things that you did to create such a perfect husband!!!

Love Brittan

(I didn't have time to re-read this--so if it's too cheesy--I will delete it later this afternoon)!


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